Sunday 4 January 2015

Hostir kanya - Pratima Barua

Lyrics and translation:

"Hastir kainya hastir kainya bamaner nari
Mathay niya tam kalasi o, sakhi haste sonar jhari sakhi o,
O mor haay hastir kainya re, khaneko doya nai tor mahutok lagiya re

Balu til-til pankhire kande balute pariya
Gouripuriya Mahut kande o, sakhi ghar bari chhariya sakhi o.
O more haay hastir kainya re, khaneko daya nai tor mahutok lagiya re

Ai charilong bhai charilong charilong sonar puri
Biao kareya chariya asilong o, sakhi alpa bayaser nari sakhi o.
O more haay hastir kainya re, khaneko daya nai tor mahutok lagiya re

Phand ladilong phanda ladilong aro ladilong dori
Mahut phandi jukti kari o, sakhi cholitong sikar bari, sakhi o.
O more haay hastir kainya re, khaneko daya nai tor mahutok lagiya re"

O elephant girl! O Brahmin woman! With the copper pitcher on your head and the golden water-sprinkler in your hand. O my friend, my elephant girl, won't you have a little pity for the Mahout (elephant keeper)? The sandpiper cries in the sands; the Mahout from Gouripur cries for his home. I left my mother, I left my brother, I left my golden house. I even left behind my young married wife. We took the lasso; we took the cards and ropes along. Us, the Mahout and the trapper (Phandi) planned together before we set out for the hunting ground. O my friend, won't you have a little pity on the Mahout?

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