Sunday 2 November 2014

Patta Bola Wriksh se - Dohe Kabir Das Ji - Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan Sahab

A Bhajhan of the Raag Kalyaan/Yaman :

A leaf says to a tree: 'Listen O tree of the forest, when your leaves wither away you will be done in and forgotten.' The tree says to the leaf: 'heed my words, dear brother o' mine, It is forever the way of this world - one comes while another goes. In every breath remember the Divine Name, lest any breath escape wasted, who knows whether another breath will arrive or not! Always say such words,
 that will sanctify your heart, tranquil your entire being and emanate peace and joy to others

Patta Bola Wriksh se - Dohe Kabir Das Ji - Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan Sahab

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